I was asked to jury a show for the Circle of Arts. The show was entitled "Translucent".
What a lovely experience this was for me as an artist. I was on the opposite side of the fence for a change. Let me explain.
As an artist, when you enter juried shows, you are constantly wondering what does the Juror want to see? Who is the Juror, what kind of things does he or she like? If you don't get into the show, you blame the Juror.
So as the Juror, I was experiencing all the empathy for the artists that I experienced when I enter shows. Yet it is a weighty responsibility to make sure the show is the best it can be. The trust has been put in me by the show's directors to uphold their reputation, and also putting my own reputation on display.
The entries were very nice watercolors, stained glass, blown glass, and some painted glass. Once again I experienced that proud feeling of how many talented artists live in our little neck of the woods.
The show will is on display at 109 Clinton St., Charlevoix, MI.